In this six-class series we will explore questions like “How can I live my life in a way that is aligned with my values?” and “Why can’t I take the leap and make that all-important decision?” or “Why do I keep self-sabotaging despite my wholesome intention to succeed?”
Life Balance is an approach developed and refined over forty years by Phillip Moffitt- a celebrated meditation teacher, mentor and business leader. In this class we will meet one evening a week for two hours as a small cohort where you will practice with tools and techniques designed to invite more well-being, clarity and insight into your life. During the class we will have small group discussions, dyads, meditations and a series of inquiries designed to ground you in this powerful approach to living.
Highlights include:
Class One:
How to arrive and be available to your own life
Introduction to the limitations of Judging, Comparing and Fixing mind
Life Balance Assessment
Clarifying a potential change or transition in your own life
Class Two:
How staying embodied embraces well-being
The Life Balance Wheel (an exploration of life balance through many facets)
Deep listening skill development
Judging, Comparing and Fixing/ reacting vs. responding
Ways to engage with this work outside class
Class Three:
The empowerment of starting over
Catalysts for changes and transitions
Change and Transitions Skills Assessment
Seven key principles of changes and transitions
Class Four:
The power of starting where you are
Values, Intentions and Goals
Class Five:
Practicing The Pause in daily life
Defining the liminal state
Common phases for all changes and transitions
Class Six:
The Path to Well-Being
Personal Power and Agency in life